Andrew Goetz

This is my personal website. I am a software engineer in the aerospace industry. My background is in pure mathematics, which I still love, but over the years I have slowly transitioned to the applied realm in my professional life.



I am on GitHub.

My repositories include:

Open Source Contributions

I have contributed improvements and bugfixes to Hipparchus (a Java math library) and Orekit (a space dynamics library).

Textbook Notes/Solutions

One of my hobbies is reading through a math or physics textbook and trying to do all the exercises. I have a substantial library of notes, solved problems, and software routines that I've written for my own benefit. Once I've written the solution to a problem down, it prevents me from feeling like I need to solve it again later. Also, writing helps to clarify my thinking. I don't post most of my notes and solutions on the web, but here are the exceptions: